TCA Pure nanopeel is used for skin exfoliation. It causes the top layers of cells to dry up and peel off over a period of several days. It gives the patient a sense of renewed skin & overall freshness.

What is TCA peel good for?

A TCA peel is a skin treatment used to treat skin discolorations, scarring, and wrinkles. These peels get their name from trichloroacetic acid (TCA), which is used to clear away dead skin cells to reveal the newer and smoother skin layers below.

How long does TCA peel take to heal ?

With a medium depth of TCA peel, a period of one week is needed for recovery. The new layer of skin appears in three to seven days after treatment. After 7 days, you can resume using makeup and return to work and normal activities. About two weeks after treatment, the skin will be fully healed.

Is a TCA peel worth?

TCA Peels penetrate deeper than the glycolic or salisalic acid peels making them a good choice for women with acne-scarring or pigmentation issues. The TCA peels will likely cause redness a few days, after use. You have to stay out of the sun for a few months after your treatments to protect your new top skin layers.

How do I take care of my skin after a TCA peel ?

Wash your face with cool water, warm or hot water might not feel as good as cool or cold water, which can help soothe post-peel sensations, moisturize and hydrate.

  • Apply sunscreen with SPF30+ or more.
  • Avoid strenuous workouts, dry saunas, and steam rooms.
  • Don’t over-exfoliate.

TCA 15% Pure Peel Mild

15% Trichloroacetic
3 X 0.67Fl. oz. 3×20 ml
pH 0.7

Phototypes l-Vl


  • Exfoliation Effect Treatment
  • Acne
  • Pigmentation

Trichloroacetic acid 15 % (w/v).

TCA 25% Pure Peel Medium

25% Trichloroacetic
3 X 0.67Fl. oz. 3×20 ml
pH 0.7

Phototypes l-Vl


  • Exfoliation Effect Treatment
  • Acne
  • Pigmentation

Trichloroacetic acid 25 % (w/v).

TCA 35% Pure Peel Intense

35% Trichloroacetic
3 X 0.67Fl. oz. 3×20 ml
pH 0.7

Phototypes l-Vl


  • Exfoliation Effect Treatment
  • Acne
  • Pigmentation

Trichloroacetic acid 35 % (w/v).
